Podhorecki, Norbert2022-10-252022-10-252013Premislia Christiana, 2012-2013, T. 15, s. 227-256.0867-308http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/1622Presentation of the issue: This study refers to the issue of the Christian faith in terms of apologetic. In our today’s world, taking into account the situation in which we live, proclaiming faith in Christ and bearing witness to Him, we feel more and more the need to undertake a kind of a renewed apology for the Catholic faith. We need an apologetics, which would be a quiet, intelligent and convincing defence of the faith against critics and the accusations by individuals and entire communities, which would respond to people’s ąuestions and would recommend our faith to outsiders. Background: First we’ve got to outline (necessarily briefly) the situation of the Christian faith today, referring concurrently to the necessity of its rational defence and against this background we present specific contemporary threats relating to the Christian faith in our culture circle conditions. Results: In order to clarify the contents, we separate first the generał sociocultural and ideo-philosophical background of our times, so as to be able to specify (on this basis) the particular threats affecting the Catholic faith, its understanding, its professing and practicing. Conclusions: The culmination of our analysis is an attempt to answer the ąuestions (here also necessarily briefly and lapidary) about the contemporary threats of faith, which can and should give Christian believers. The answer is the widely understood work of the new evangelization, supported by corresponding instructions of the Church’s Magisterium.plAttribution 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/pl/teologia systematycznateologiawiarazagrożeniezagrożenia wiarysobórsobór watykański IIchrześcijaństwoKościółapologetykaapologiaBenedykt XVIJoseph Ratzingerpapieżekapłaniduchowieństworeligiaewangelizacjawiara katolickawiara chrześcijańskaduszpasterstwoislamchrześcijaniemuzułmanieprawdanowa ewangelizacjapostmodernizmfilozofiaNew Agezagrożenia duchoweateizmmediaśrodki masowego przekazubluźnierstwawalkaparafiewspólnotaobrona wiarysystematic theologytheologyfaithdangercouncilVatican IISecond Vatican CouncilChristianityChurchapologeticsBenedict XVIpopesclergypriesthoodreligionevangelizationChristian faithCatholic faithministryChristiansMuslimstruthnew evangelizationphilosophyNew Age Movementatheismmass mediaprofanitiescombatparishescommunitydefence of the faithpostmodernismWspółczesne zagrożenia wiaryContemporary Threats relating to the Christian FaithArticle