Związek, Jan2023-07-122023-07-122002Analecta Cracoviensia, 2002, T. 34, s. 471-486.0209-0864 Częstochowa Seminary in Cracow began its activity on October 2, 1926. It was located south of the Wawel hill. The first bishop of Częstochowa, Teodor Kubina, DD, wanted clerics from Częstochowa to study at the Jagiellonian University. In order to achieve this aim he entered into an agreement with the Faculty of Theology and with Adam Stefan Sapieha, Archbishop of Cracow. Clerics from Częstochowa were rightful students of the University. They studied at the Faculty of Theology along with clerics from Cracow and Silesia. The same professors delivered lectures and held seminars. Degrees were conferred on clerics. During the Nazi occupation the building of the Częstochowa Seminary was annexed. The Metropolitan of Cracow let clerics and superiors from Częstochowa move to a dormitory. Clandestine classes were held in the greatest secrecy. They were held by the Cracow professors. The superiors of the Seminary and the Bishop of Częstochowa were working in close cooperation with the Archbishop of Cracow, who defended the Częstochowa Seminary against the Nazi authorities. After the Nazi occupation clerics from Częstochowa and Cracow returned to their studies at the Faculty of Theology. However, after the Faculty was closed down by the communist authorities in 1954, they continued studies in separate seminaries. Nevertheless, they still had the same professors. At that time Professor Karol Wojtyła delivered lectures. After the Pontifical Faculty of Theology, and then the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow were founded, the earlier com m unity of professors and students of theology was restored. Many priests from Częstochowa held classes as independent academics. The Częstochowa Seminary became part of the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandówarchidiecezjearchidiecezja krakowskaCzęstochowadiecezjediecezja częstochowskaKościółhistoriahistoria KościołabiskupikapłaniduchowieństwoUniwersytet Jagiellońskiwydział teologicznyPapieska Akademia Teologicznastudia teologicznewspólnota międzyseminaryjnaseminariesCracowarchdiocesesarchdiocese of Cracowdiocesesdiocese of CzęstochowaChurchhistoryChurch historybishopspriesthoodclergyJagiellonian Universityfaculty of theologyPontifical Academy of Theologystudies in theologyinter-seminary communityseminaria duchownePo drugiej stronie Wawelu. Częstochowskie Seminarium DuchowneThe Częstochowa SeminaryArticle