Tomkiewicz, Antoni2023-03-272023-03-271995Roczniki Teologiczne, 1995, T. 42, z. 6, s. 109-121.0035-7723 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The Catholic Church has long recognized the importance of the family in man’s formation. The social and religious organizations have also become interested in these problems. In the interwar period the Catholic Action was one of such organizations; it especially promoted formative ideas. The basic purpose of the present paper was to depict some questions connected with the formative problems in the teaching of Pius XI, and popularized by the Catholic Action. Therefore the paper discusses first the genesis and the basic assumption of the Catholic Action. The second section presents the main aims and tasks of formation within the family. The main aim was to restore the Christian spirit in the family. Then the author pinpoints the significance of cooperation between the family, the Church, the State and school in the formative process. The third section discusses the forms and means of influence on the formation in the family adopted by the Catholic Action. The paper pinpoints the importance of the natural and supernatural means in the work of formation, as they were proposed by pope Pius XI.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland XIwychowanieAkcja KatolickaPolskapsychologiapedagogikawiarachrześcijaństwożycie społecznerodzinamałżeństwosakramentydziecirodzicepaństwoszkoływspółpracaspołeczeństwopisma Akcji KatolickiejupbringingCatholic ActionPolandpsychologypedagogyfaithChristianitysocial lifefamilymarriagesacramentschildrenparentsstateschoolscooperationsocietypapieżekapłaniduchowieństwoclergypopespriesthoodMyśl wychowawcza Piusa XI w publikacjach Akcji Katolickiej w PolscePius XI’s formative thought in the publications of Catholic Action in PolandArticle