Biernat, Ryszard2023-03-302023-03-302012The Person and the Challenges, 2012, Vol. 2, No. 2, p. 83-92.2083-8018ł w języku francuskim.In his pastoral teaching Jean-Marie Lustiger repeatedly explores the subject of marital spirituality. His teaching emerged as a response to young people’s difficulty in understanding the nature of marriage as a result of being immersed in the mentality of the world. In this article the author explores two important aspects of Cardinal Lustiger’s teaching on the spirituality of marriage: marriage is presented as a vocation and there is an emphasis on the correct understanding of marital love. In the context of the decline of religious practices in Western Europe, the article contains some of Jean-Marie Lustiger’s thoughts on the sacrament of marriage as well as his role in contributing to a deeper understanding of matrimony.frAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Lustigermarital spiritualitymarital vocationmarital lovesacramentsmarriagespiritualityvocationduchowość małżeńskapowołanie małżeńskiemiłość małżeńskasakramentymałżeństwoduchowośćpowołanieamour conjugalmariagespiritualitéQuelques aspects de la spiritualité conjugale selon Jean-Marie LustigerMarital Spirituality according to Jean-Marie LustigerArticle