Broński, Włodzimierz2023-12-052023-12-052006Roczniki Teologiczne, 2006, T. 53, z. 6, s. 159-174.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.New evangelization is urgently needed in our times. In Poland, in the practice of the parish life it is reduced to the priest’s preaching sermons. However, life in the Church communion requires that the faithful actively join the preacher’s service. Polish parish communities should be transformed from purely administrative units into dynamic evangelization communities in which both presbyters and lay people will take to heart the missionary spirit.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłuchacze Słowa BożegoSłowo Bożeewangelizacjaposługa kaznodziejskawspólnotateologiateologia pastoralnanowa ewangelizacjaparishespreachingpreacherslisteners to the Word of GodWord of Godevangelizationnew evangelizationpreaching ministrytheologypastoral theologycommunitywspólnota parafialnaparish communityPosługa kaznodziejska we wspólnocie parafialnejThe Preacher’s Service in the Parish CommunityArticle