Górka, Leonard2024-03-152024-03-152012Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej, 2012, T. 4(59), s. 5-30.2081-6731http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/14243After the East-West Schism the Byzantine Church did not participate in the geographical spread of the Kingdom of Heaven. In the family of the autocephalous Orthodox Churches, the Orthodox Church in Russia was the only one which was engaged in the missionary work. This fact is the more worthy of notice, as the Russian Orthodox Church has been within jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Constantinople down the centuries. This article intend to describe the Russian-Orthodox mission to the pagan nations. First, it seems to be important for the missiology in particular, to present the way of the Russian Orthodoxy to the pagans. After the historical scrutiny it is not easy to state, whether the missionary work had been recognized by the Russian Church from the very beginning and interpreted according to the Christian meaning. It seems, according to the missiological methods, that the Russian mission to the pagans had more to do in transforming nominal Christians into real Christians.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/Russian OrthodoxyRussian Orthodox ChurchmissionsChurchkoinonianatureecumenismevangelizationmissionary methodsmissionary activitieshistoryChurch historyprawosławie rosyjskieRosyjski Kościół PrawosławnymisjeKościółewangelizacjametody misyjnenaturaekumenizmdziałalność misyjnahistoriahistoria Kościołarussische OrthodoxieEvangelisierungmissionarichen Methodenevangelisatorische ErgebnisseteologiatheologyMisja ewangelizacyjna w Rosyjskim Kościele Prawosławnym. Rys historycznyDie Evangelisatorische Mission der Orthodoxen Kirche in Russland. Abriß der GeschichteEvangelizing Mission in the Russian Orthodox Church. A Historical OutlineArticle