Adamczyk, Dariusz2024-11-052024-11-052012Studia Ełckie, 2012, T. 14, s. 373-387.1896-6896 First Letter of St. John undertakes the problem of the unification with God in the context of human sinfulness. Its author indicates the co-participation with God in the perspective of the antithesis of light and darkness. The reference to the bond with God while committing sins he specifies as abiding in the darkness. The mere fact of being a Christian does not mean the status of unsinfulness. Such a belief is wrong. With undertaking the discussion with the views of the Gnostics John indicates that the real unification with God implies the community of all the faithful. As to the question of possible unsinfulness he underlines that the unification with sinless Christ has an essential significance. The abiding in Christ is a criterion of Godly childhood, and gives strength to resist the temptations.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychteologiatheologyBibliaBiblePismo ŚwięteNowy TestamentNew TestamentPierwszy List św. JanaFirst Letter of St JohngrzesznośćpeccabilitygrzechsinBógGodzjednoczenie z Bogiemunion with Godunification with GodsinfulnessbezgrzesznośćunsinfulnesZjednoczenie z Bogiem w kontekście ludzkiej grzeszności i możliwość niegrzeszenia w świetle Pierwszego Listu JanaThe Unification With God in the Context of Human Sinfulness and Unsinfulness in the Light of the First Letter of St. JohnArticle