Maciaszek, Paweł2023-01-132023-01-132009Polonia Sacra, 2009, R. 13 (31), Nr 24 (68), s. 197-213.1428-5673, since the Second Vatican Council, when paying attention to the sacraments of Christian initiations (baptism, confirmation and Eucharist), have been underlining the obligations resulting from the receiving of these sacraments. The article entitled “The effects of the gift of the Holy Spirit in the light of the homily of the confirmation rites” analyzes the commitments by which all those, who in confirmation received the gift of the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, became bound. The homily of the renewed rites of the sacrament of Christian maturity lists the following commitments: to work at becoming a better image of Christ, to always be a witness of the suffering and rising of Our Saviour and to become active members of the Church. This analysis show how strong a relationship is between the gift of the Holy Spirit and the life of a Christian, who receives it in confirmation. The grace of God has a mighty power to change human lives and lead us through the path of Salvation. The Sacrament is not only a gift, but also a message. Confirmation entwines the life and work of a man with the mystery of the Pentecost. Therefore it obliges us to spread the Gospel about Christ who is saving us and living within the community of Church. This close tie between a person receiving confirmation and Church is more strengthen by the fact that the sacrament is conferred by a bishop.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Świętydary Ducha ŚwiętegohomiliabierzmowaniesakramentyzbawienieBibliaPismo ŚwięteNowy TestamentDzieje ApostolskieDzkonstytucje apostolskieświadectwoapostolstwoapostolatKościółwspólnotaduszpasterstwoHoly SpirithomilyconfirmationsacramentssalvationBibleNew TestamentActs of the ApostlesApostolic ConstitutionstestimonyapostolateChurchcommunityministrydarygiftsSkutki daru Ducha Świętego w świetle homilii obrzędu bierzmowaniaThe Effects of the Gift of the Holy Spirit in the Light of the Homily of the Confirmation RitesArticle