Siwek, Gerard2022-12-132022-12-132004Polonia Sacra, 2004, R. 8 (26), Nr 15 (59), s. 279-298.1428-5673 constitutes an element of a salvific mediation of the Church. Since a homily constitutes its characteristic form of preaching, a question rises, if, because of that reason, it is possible to talk about its major salvific efficiency? In order to ask to that question there are taken into consideration different ways of Christ's presence in the Church. Then we will emphasise His particular presence in the Eucharistic liturgy (vere, realiter, substancialiter). It embraces also His presence in a person who preside the liturgy, operating as in persona Christi, whose duty is to proclaim a homily and also it is present in proclaimed word which is explained by homily. Thus homily is connected with multifarious presence of Christ in the Eucharist which is celebrated. Taking into consideration that precise bound between homily and Christ's presence, it is justify to be convinced, that homily owns major salvific efficiency than the other forms of proclamation.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland ChrystusKościółliturgiaEucharystiaSłowo BożesalvationhomilyJesus ChristChurchliturgyEucharistWord of GodkazaniasermonssacramentssakramentySkuteczność zbawcza homiliiRedemptive Power of HomilyArticle