Gagacka, Maria2024-10-112024-10-112016Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016, T. 63, nr 1, s. 21-38.2543-59732353-7272ł w języku angielskim.The consequence of the dynamically ongoing changes is a growing area of uncertainty and social risks. Inability to cope with the permanently occurring uncertainty on the one hand leads to several negative consequences, such as a sense of alienation, meaninglessness, or helplessness, and on the other – increases the need for development of powers to plan one’s own career path or to cope with new challenges. The demand for counseling is not only in individuals who want to quickly and effectively develop their own careers, but also in individuals that fall out of the mainstream, and are not able to function in the realities of today’s labour markets or to fulfil their professional and family roles. The paper presents an analysis of the role of guidance, resulting from the implementation of modern paradigms of social policy (anticipatory, investment, activating), and biographical and emancipation counselling models in increasing human and social capital.enCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychporadnictwoaktywizacjakapitał ludzkikapitał społecznyemancypacjacounselingmobilizationhuman capitalsocial capitalemancipationThe Role of Guidance in Increasing Human and Social CapitalArticle