Rosik, Mariusz2024-10-152024-10-152005Verbum Vitae, 2005, T. 8, s. 31-49.1644-85612451-280X were the principal act in Israel's cult. The article treats about expiatory sacrifices in ancient Israel. The purpose ofthese sacrifices is to re-establish the covenant with God. Autbor describes the circumstances when expiatory sacrifices should be offered and then explains difference between the sacrifice for sin (hattath) and the sacrifice of reparation (asham). He also gives the scheme of the ritual of expiatory sacrifices. Theological meaning of these sacrifices is shortly presented in the conclusion.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychofiary przebłagalneofiaraprzebłaganierytuałyteologiaKsięga KapłańskaKsięga LiczbStary TestamentBibliaPismo ŚwięteKpł 4Lb 15składanie ofiarIzraelegzegezaegzegeza biblijnabiblistykapropitiatory offeringssacrificepropitiationritualstheologyBook of LeviticusBook of NumbersOld TestamentBibleofferingIsraelexegesisbiblical exegesisbiblical studiesOfiary przebłagalne: od rytuału do teologii (Kpł 4,1-35; Lb 15,22-31)Article