Wider, Dominik2022-10-172022-10-171997Polonia Sacra, 1997, R. 1 (19), Nr 1 (45), s. 267-280.1428-5673http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/1441John Paul H’s teaching on monastic life and its role in the contemporary world is reviving the deepest values of monastic life through the theological analysis of life devoted to God, the expression of which can be found in the “Gift of Redemption”, and through reviving the valuable contribution the monastic orders made to the Church. From this point of view the teaching of the Holy Father is both old and new. It is “new” in the concept itself, in reminding the mesgages less known today or lost in frequent relaying. At the same time it is “old”, as old is monastic life and the Church that summoned and has always treasured it.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/zakonyżycie zakonneJan Paweł IIpapieżezakonnicyzakonniceświadectwoJezus Chrystuswartościmodlitwamiłośćkontemplacjanauczanieordersmonastic lifeJohn Paul IIpopesfriarsnunstestimonyJesus ChristvaluesprayerlovecontemplationteachingclergypriesthoodduchowieństwokapłaniKarol WojtyłaDar życia zakonnego dla współczesnego świata w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II (1979-1984)The gift of monastic life for the contemporary world in the teaching of John Paul II (1979-1984)Article