Longosz, Stanisław2023-11-222023-11-222005Roczniki Teologiczne, 2005, T. 52, z. 10, s. 125-140.1233-1457http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/11706Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.In his article the author tries to show St Augustine’s attitude towards abortion. First, he deals with the terminology (abortus, aborsus, abortio, abortivus, abortire – used 28 times altogether), noting that the Bishop of Hippo used the term abortus to denote any (including non-culpable) miscarriage of an unbom fetus; he also used it in a metaphorical sense to denote a catechumen expelled from his community. The author reminds of the proper meaning of the word, as it was used by Manicheans, and then by faithful Christians, who also often used the term pocula abortionis. St Augustine, mainly under the influence of Septuaginta (Ex. 21, 22- 23) differentiated an unformed fetus from a formed one and he only considered destroying the latter one as murder. Answering the question: will all the fetuses be resurrected? he also said that only the latter ones will. Like Tertulian did earlier, he allowed for embryotomy, however, against the Stoics’ attitude he did not consider a fetus part of the mother’s viscera (pars viscera matris).plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/aborcja u św. Augustynapłód nieuformowanypłód uformowanyzmartwychwstanie płodówpłódAugustyn z Hipponydoktorzy Kościołaojcowie Kościołapatrystykapatrologiaaborcjazłozło moralnemoralnośćantykoncepcjadziecimałżeństwoprokreacjaśmierćabortion in Saint Augustine’s worksaborcja w pismach św. Augustynaformed fetusunformed fetusresurrection of fetusesfetusAugustine of HippoDoctors of the ChurchChurch Fatherspatrologypatristicsabortionevilmoral evilmoralitybirth controlchildrenmarriageprocreationdeathliteraturaliteratura patrystycznaliteraturepatristic literaturecontraceptionAborcja w opinii św. AugustynaAbortion in St Augustine’s OpinionArticle