Cisło, Waldemar2023-04-242023-04-242020The Person and the Challenges, 2020, Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 145-153.2083-8018 situation of Christians in Iraq and Syria has been problematic for many years. The article first deals with the issues of social tensions caused by religious diversity. The repercussions of these conflicts are presented, with an emphasis on the problems of immigration from regions affected by the war. The article then describes the forms of aid provided in Iraq and Syria, with an emphasis on medical and humanitarian aid. The work also includes reports from these places and outlines the problems of Christian clergy in persecuted communities.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland aidmedical aidChristiansrefugee campsrefugeesimmigrationmigrationpersecutionpersecution of Christianssocial tensionsreligious diversityconflictsclergypriesthoodIrakpomocpomoc humanitarnapomoc medycznachrześcijanieobozy dla uchodźcówuchodźcyimigracjamigracjaprześladowanieprześladowanie chrześcijannapięcia społeczneróżnorodność religijnakonfliktyduchowieństwokapłaniPersecution of ChristiansArticle