Skrzypkowski, Dariusz2025-01-272025-01-272006Studia Gdańskie, 2005-2006, T. 18-19, s. 221-253.0137-4341 profound social, demographic and political transformations that occur in modern societies have caused deep changes in human mentality, which results in a changed attitude to the questions of marriage and family. The Church feels obliged to ceaselessly confirm and remind the unchanging teachings of Christ concerning the sanctity and indissolubility of marriage. At the same time, it takes pastoral care for the people who live in non-sacramental bonds. The growing number of broken families and divorces has made the issue even more burning. Some bishops, priests and theologians show their pastoral care by searching for new, alternative solutions, both legal and moral. They aim at bringing at least some of the people living in non-sacramental bonds to full participation in the Church life and sacraments. However, at least for now, the Church has not approved these solutions.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychKościółduszpasterstwoopieka duszpasterskamałżeństwokryzys małżeństwarozpad małżeństwabiałe małżeństwomałżeństwa niesakramentalnezwiązki niesakramentalneduszpasterstwo małżeństwduszpasterstwo małżeństw niesakramentalnychrodzinaspołeczeństwoJoseph RatzingerBernhard Häringbiskupi niemieccylisty pasterskieChurchministrypastoral caremarriagecrisis of marriagebreakdown of marriageJosephite marriagechaste marriagenon-sacramental marriagesnon-sacramental relationshipspastoral care for married couplespastoral care for non-sacramental marriagesfamilysocietyGerman bishopspastoral lettersTroska duszpasterska Kościoła o osoby pozostające w związkach niesakramentalnychThe Pastoral Care for the People Remaining in Non-Sacramental BondsArticle