Żywica, Zdzisław2024-11-052024-11-052010Verbum Vitae, 2010, T. 18, s. 105-121.2451-280X1644-8561https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/23102The Church, wishing to remain in the truly salvific community with its Emmanuel and Lord as well as with the believers, is obliged to strenuously and effectively face the evangelic struggles with its own evil, sin and perversion. This truth is expressed in Mt 18,15-35. The Church has to act in this manner, because such actions taken by the members of the Church destroy the vertical and horizontal ties, which constitute its uniformity, identity and salvific effectiveness not only in the world of evangelic beliefs but also with regard to each other. Each and every person in the Church should be brave enough to undertake efforts to reprove its sinners. However, the sinners are also obliged to show humility towards the Church, express deep grief and the need of metanoia. Moreover, they should accept the conversion through the process of re-evangelization. The duty of the Church is not only evangelization of the world unaware of Jesus's presence but also permanent re-evangelization of its sinful brothers and sisters. The duty to forgive sinners lies on those who have previously sinned and received fraternal forgiveness and divine mercy, and regardless of this are not willing to truly forgive their brothers.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychnapomnienieprzebaczenienawrócenieteologiateologia narratywnaMt 18Ewangelia według św. MateuszawspólnotaStary TestamentBibliaPismo Świętebiblistykaexhortationforgivenessconversiontheologynarrative theologyGospel of MatthewcommunityOld TestamentBiblebiblical studiesWspólnototwórcze napomnienie, przebaczenie i nawrócenie. Teologia narratywna Mt 18,15-35Article