Prejs, Roland2024-01-162024-01-162007Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 4, s. 29-40.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.After the January Uprising in the Kingdom of Poland the number of books that were published increased. This was also true about religious books, both theological and popular ones. The latter were first of all prayer-books, moral-catechetical deliberations, simple discussions and lives of saints. Studies of this phenomenon have already been partly begun. Their results include Słownik polskich teologów katolickich (Dictionary of Polish Catholic Theologians) that lists names of authors and their subject bibliography, a typology of religious books in the Kingdom of Poland at the break of the 19th century, and literary achievements of certain authors, among them the Capuchins Prokop Leszczyński, Honorat Koźmiński and Rafał Mazurkiewicz. Also studies on collections of books that existed at that time are important, as they allow finding out what books were most willingly bought and read. A continuation of this research will allow defining what part religious books played in shaping religious life under Russian rule at the break of the 19th century.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandólestwo Polskieliteratura katolickaliteraturaliteratura popularnakatolicka literatura popularnaXIX w.XX w.literatura religijnaKingdom of PolandCatholic literatureliteraturepopular literatureCatholic popular literaturereligious literatureKatolicka literatura popularna w Królestwie Polskim przełomu XIX i XX wiekuCatholic Popular Literature in the Kingdom of Poland at the Break of the 19th CenturyArticle