Misiurek, Jerzy2023-05-082023-05-081998Roczniki Teologiczne, 1998, T. 45, z. 5, s. 19-29.0035-7723http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/7001Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The fourth Gospel shows the life of Jesus Christ from the point of view of the apostle who, after several years of a mystic union with the incorporate Logos, has the most profound understanding of Him. In the Book of Revelation the mystical experience consisted mainly of a vision and a penetration of the other world into John’s consciousness. That world was depicted by means of symbols, whereas in the Gospel it was based on the personal contact between John and God-Man. As the first Christian mystic, John shows the role of Mary in the two moments of Her Son’s life: when water was turned into wine and death into life. John emphasizes that the Eucharist is the basis and supplement of the mystic union. The way to such a union leads through common activities and ministries, imbued with the love to God and neighbour.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/Jan Ewangelistaapostołowiechrześcijaństwomistycyzmmistycymistykateologiateologia duchowościduchowośćBibliaPismo ŚwięteNowy Testamentmistyczne zjednoczeniezjednoczenieJezus ChrystusapostlesChristianitymysticismmysticstheologytheology of spiritualityspiritualityBibleNew Testamentmystical unionunificationJesus ChristEwangeliagospelEwangelia według św. JanaGospel of JohnJan apostołJohn the ApostleŚw. Jan Apostoł Ewangelista - pierwszy mistyk chrześcijańskiSt. John the Apostle - the first Christian mysticArticle