Smolka, Bonawentura2023-07-182023-07-182001Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 2, s. 109-119.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The author analyzes the situation of the Church from the theological point of view, but in the context of cultural and historical transformations, being a strong challenge to Christian identity. An everlasting question arises about the relationship between reign and culture, history of salvation and worldly history, the Kingdom of God and political institutions. The paper emphasizes the need to keep distance to the rhetoric of the secularized world, the rhetoric that fails to notice the supernatural elements and communal character in the nature of the Church. Consequently, the sphere of religion is identified with that which is non- -institutional, individualized, subjective, and emotionally attractive; the church and religion loose their communal and social character. On the other hand, the author’s warning against blurring this awareness inside the Church is worth stressing. The Church is not only an institution and organization, but a “fellowship of faith, hope and love”, integrated with the Holy Trinity. The author outlines an optimistic vision for the Church of the new epoch, pointing out that the novel character of the Gospel may still inspire and serve for a positive transformation of the Church and the world. Evangelization of culture, art, science, technique, and of any manifestations of economic life may markedly contribute to the personalization of those domains and sphere of the human world.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 PolandżsamośćKościółtożsamość Kościołaspołeczeństwonowoczesne społeczeństwonowoczesne społeczeństwo europejskieEuropasekularyzacjaeuropejska sekularyzacjarelatywizmreligiaeklezjalność religiihistoryczny kontekst KościołahistoriaidentityChurchidentity of the Churchsocietymodern societyEuropeEuropean secularizationsecularizationrelativismecclesial character of religionreligionhistorical context of the Churchhistorymodern European societyTożsamość Kościoła na tle procesu budowy nowoczesnych społeczeństw europejskichThe Identity of the Church Against the Background of Building Modern European SocietiesArticle