Jaromin, Joanna2024-12-192024-12-192013Scriptura Sacra, 2013, R. 17, s. 59-69.1428-72182391-9396https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/25828The aim of this study is to present the dependence between wealth and death in the canonical and apocryphal Parable of the Rich Fool (Lk 12,16-21; EvThom 63). Both versions of the parable differ in some significant details. However, it can be assumed that the basic idea remains the same: putting too much trust in tangible goods, the temptation to recognize self-sufficiency and not reckoning with God in this life is foolishness (also in terms of the Old Testament) and condemns a man to a spiritual death. A man absorbed in all what is temporal does not also allow any thoughts about death to himself. Death, which will surprise him, will shut him the way to correct his life, to do at least one smallest good deed. Both discussed texts also underlines the instability of worldly goods and durability of spiritual goods. A warning may be read out of them to reckon with God’s will in our worldly plans as it is the base of life.plCC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkachprzypowieść kanonicznaprzypowieść apokryficznaprzypowieść kanoniczna o nierozumnym bogaczuprzypowieść apokryficzna o nierozumnym bogaczubogactwośmierćtrwałość dóbr duchowychnietrwałość dóbr materialnychdobra duchowedobra materialneapokryfprzypowieściNowy TestamentBibliaPismo Świętebiblistykaegzegezaegzegeza biblijnagatunki literackieEwangelia Tomaszaliteratura apokryficznaapokryfy Nowego TestamentuEwangelia według św. ŁukaszaŁk 12EwTm 63przypowieść ewangelicznacanonical parableapocryphal parablecanonical Parable of the Rich Foolapocryphal Parable of the Rich Foolwealthdeathdurability of spiritual goodsinstability of worldly goodsspiritual goodsmaterial goodsapocryphaparablesNew TestamentBiblebiblical studiesexegesisbiblical exegesisliterary genresGospel of Thomasapocryphal literatureapocrypha of the New TestamentGospel of LukeGospel parableMiędzy bogactwem a śmiercią. Kanoniczna i apokryficzna przypowieść o nierozumnym bogaczu (Łk 12,16-21; EwTm 63)Between wealth and death. A canonical and apocryphal Parable of the Rich Fool (Lk 12,16-21; EvThom 63)Article