Liszka, Piotr2023-08-292023-08-292002Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 2, s. 123-139.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The concepts of time that we find in the New Testament differ from their counterparts in the Old Testament, although there is a certain convergence between them as regards their importance in the history of salvation. Principally, time is a tool by which Providence carries out non-temporal values, above all salvation. The structure of time is spanned between the past and the future, it is a dynamic stream flowing towards its completion which is eternity identified with salvation. Time in its cosmic sense has a linear character and is connected with historical being, whereas eternity is another kind of being. The New Testament distinguishes three epochs: before creation, from creation to Parousia, and eternity. The focal point of Christian time is the event and the Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ in Himself contains the most perfect model of time: He is the One Who was expected (past), the One Who goes into the future to open time to eternity. The revelation of the truth about the Holy Trinity has considerably influenced the concept of time. Time becomes the contents filling in the interpersonal space. It becomes the level upon which mutual relations between Divine Persons and human persons occur. This personal meaning of time is important for the man who lives in a concrete historical time, since his salvation depends on the manner in which he uses this space. He should make use of his temporal existence to strengthen his ties with Christ, so that he could in Him transform his historical time into eternity, that is salvation.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandśćzbawieniechrystologiczna wartość czasutrynitarny charakter czasulinearny model czasuChrystus jako centrum czasuczas jako wartość personalnachrystologiaJezus ChrystusTrójca ŚwiętaNowy TestamentBibliaPismo ŚwiętetimeeternitysalvationChristological value of timeTrinitarian character of timelinear model of timeChrist as the centre of timetime as a personal valueChristologyJesus ChristHoly TrinityNew TestamentBibleChrystologiczne aspekty nowotestamentalnego rozumienia czasuThe Christological Aspects of the Understanding of Time in the New TestamentArticle