Bielawny, Krzysztof2024-11-052024-11-052012Studia Ełckie, 2012, T. 14, s. 161-188.1896-6896 the IV Session of the Vatican Council II in 1965 the communist government in Poland did not give permission for organizing the pilgrimages to Rome neither by Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski nor by the Conferences of Polish Episcopate. At that time the government organized few trips for the Roman Catholic priests to the Eternal City. The arrangements of the trips were made by political and social organizations which supported the communist regime. The trips had a purely propaganda purpose. They were to give evidence about the existence of religious freedom in Poland. The priests, in the total number of 242, who were members of pro-government organizations took part in them.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychStefan Wyszyńskikardynałowiecardinalsprymasiprymas PolskiPrimatesPrimate of Polandkomunizmcommunismcommunist regimereligious freedompersecution of the Churchreżim komunistycznywolność religijnaprześladowanie Kościołasobór watykański IISecond Vatican CouncilVatican IIsobórcouncilprześladowaniepersecutionbiskupibishopskapłaniclergyduchowieństwopriesthoodhistoriahistoryNiezrealizowany plan kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w czasie obrad IV sesji soboru watykańskiego II (1965 roku)Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski’s Unimplemented Plan During the IV Session of the Vatican Council II (1965)Article