Hawluk, Kazimierz2023-01-092023-01-092007Polonia Sacra, 2007, R. 11 (29), Nr 21 (65), s. 61-70.1428-5673http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/2902A hundred years ago, in a very difficult period of its history Archbishop Józef Bilczewski courageously undertook the challenge of leading the Lviv Archdiocese. He was assuming care over one of the biggest archdioceses, divided as a result of partitions, with the faithful of many nationalities and three Catholic rites. He set a clear pastoral program of a “complete dedication in the cause of the Holy Church”. He followed the example of Christ throughout his life. As a motto of his life he took Christ's words: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served; he came to serve and to give his life to redeem many people.” (Mk 10, 45).plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/Józef Bilczewskiświęciarcybiskupikapłaniduchowieństwodziałalność społecznabiografialisty pasterskieduszpasterstwospołeczeństwohistoriahistoria KościołaXX w.parafiearchidiecezjearchidiecezja lwowskasaintsarchbishopsclergypriesthoodbiographypastoral lettersministrysocietyhistoryChurch historyparishesarchdiocesesListy społeczne i dzieła świętego arcybiskupa Lwowa Józefa BilczewskiegoJózef Blczewski's Letters and Social WorkArticle