Lis, Sebastian2023-03-022023-03-022016Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2016, t. 12, s. 55-77.1643-4870 article is dedicated to the virtues of the Church and these are the following: holiness, apostołicity, universality, and uniqueness. The set of tasks ahead of the Church has also been presented in this article. The source of these deliberations are excerpts drawn from the teachings of Benedict XVI, thus in the main part excerpts from articles published in the daily newspaper “L’Osservatore Romano” as well as documents of the magisterium of the Catholic Church and literature directly connected with Benedict XVI, i.e publications under his name.plAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland RatzingerBenedykt XVIpapieżekapłaniduchowieństwopopesclergypriesthoodnauczanie papieskiePope's teachingnauczanieteachingKościółChurchwspółczesnośćpresentświętośćsanctityholinessmiłośćloveapostolskośćapostolicityzbawieniesalvationpowszechnośćuniversalitypowszechność zbawieniapowszechność Kościołajednośćunityjedność Kościołajedynośćuniquenessjedyność Kościołazadania Kościołatasks of the Churchprzymioty Kościołavirtues of the ChurchteologiatheologyChurch unityZadania współczesnego Kościoła w nauczaniu Benedykta XVIThe tasks of the modern-day Church in the teachings of Pope Benedict XVIArticle