Gieniusz, Andrzej2024-10-012024-10-012002Verbum Vitae, 2002, T. 1, s. 163-184.1644-85612451-280X our Lord, Christ and Jesus Christ, Son of God is the only subject respectively of vision, of appearance and of revelation in Paul’s descriptions of the experience which gave birth to his Christian life (cf. Ga 1,11-17; 1 Cor 15,8-10; 1 Cor 9,1-2). The meeting with the Risen Christ, at the same time the moment of Paul s call and of his new creation, is also the starting point of the Apostle’s theological reflection. Moreover, the presence of Christ in Paul (or of Paul in Christ: see the interchangeability of the expression in Rm 6,11 and Ga 2,10), inaugurated in this meeting, is also a basic if not unique marrow of all his subsequent life. This meeting has a fundamental value not only with regard to Paul’s religious life and to the shape of his theology. It constitutes also the pith and the form of his apostolic mission. In fact, for the Apostle to the Nations the proclamation of the Gospel never means only to talk about Christ. Evangelisation for him consists first of all in offering for all those to whom he was sent an occasion to meet the Risen One and to experience their own Damascus, an experience in which the Risen Lord can be seen, touched and listened especially in the one who proclaims the good news because he became so absorbed by Christ that reveals Son of God in himself (cf. Ga 2,10).plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychJezus ChrystusChrystus zmartwychwstałyPaweł z TarsuPaweł ApostołmisjeŻydzipoganienatura ludzkaapostolatjudaizmnawróceniepowołanieobjawienieJesus Christrisen ChristPaul of TarsusPaul the ApostlemissionsJewspaganshuman natureapostolateJudaismconversionvocationrevelationSpotkanie ze Zmartwychwstałym jako podstawa Pawłowej misji do Żydów i poganArticle