Petryk, Piotr2024-02-192024-02-192009Roczniki Liturgiczne, 2009, T. 1 (56), s. 347-363.2080-6337 tłumaczenia streszczenia / Summary translated by Jan Kłos.This paper shows the activity of Bishop Marian Fulman as a promoter of the Liturgy and various forms of popular piety. He was appointed Bishop of Lublin in 1918. Bishop Fulman reorganized the network of deaneries and parishes. He erected seven new deaneries and eighty-six parishes. Through his legal and pastoral activity he contributed to organization and development of the ministry to God. He introduced the practice of systematic teaching of catechism on each Sunday. He was concerned about the development of Eucharistic life, introduced two Holy Masses on Sundays and holidays, ordered Sunday devotions, promoted early First Communion, and convened an Eucharistic Congress. He propagated the worship to the Most Sacred Heart of Lord Jesus and Christ the King. He popularised the cult of the saints, especially St. Stanislaus Kostka and St. Andrew Bobola. In this cult he found moral and patriotic values, such that were specially needed in the education of the youth. he would lay much importance on the development of church societies for adults and adolescents.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Leon Fulmanbiskupidiecezjediecezja lubelskażycie liturgicznepobożność ludowanabożeństwasakramentykult świętychliturgybishopsdiocesesLublin Dioceseliturgical lifepopular pietyreligious servicessacramentscult of saintskultcultpobożnośćpietyBiskup Marian Fulman (1918-1945) jako promotor życia liturgicznego w diecezji lubelskiejBishop Marian Fulman (1918-1945) as a Promoter of Liturgical Life in the Lublin DioceseArticle