Laskowski, Łukasz2023-02-062023-02-062015Veritati et Caritati, 2015, T. 4, s. 533-545.2354-0311ł w języku włoskim.This paper contains the review of the traditions connected with Melchisedek in literature of St. Justin Martyr. This reference could be seen in the Christian apologetic literature as the element of polemics with the Jews and Judaism. St. Justin Martyr underlined Christological aspects of Melchisedek’s typology. He used this typology as a symbol of perfect priesthood. According to Justin, Melchisedek was uncircumcised, but represented service which was pleasant to God and held outside of Israel. The Malchizedek’s priesthood is older than the covenant with Abraham. Melchizedek, as a symbol of Christ, blessed Abraham – the father of Israel. The second motif is a Jewish exegesis which has showed Melchisedek as the prophecy of king Ezechias. St. Justin Martyr conducted polemics with this interpretation. He claimed that Christ was the king and fulfilled the biblical prophecies. The third motif has presented Melchisedek as the light of Jerusalem connected with the covenant between God, the humankind and Israel. Christ is the perfect priest and the eternal light. These aspects are interpreted eschatologically. This exegesis is a form of Jewish Midrashim.itAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland męczennikkapłaństwomidraszmęczennicymęczeństwoMelchisedekJustin the MartyrpriesthoodmidrashmartyrsmartyrdomAlcuni aspetti dell’esegesi del personaggio di Melchisedek negli scritti di GiustinoSome Aspects of the Exegesis of Melchisedek according to Justin the MartyrArticle