Tomkiewicz, Antoni2024-01-312024-01-312007Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 10, s. 139-151.1233-1457 tabele. Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.The aim of the article is to show the existing correlation between the subjective level of sense of bonds in marriage and forms of time structuralization in light of transactional analysis. In order to do this empirical studies were conducted with a group of 148 spouses with different periods of being married. In the studies two methods were used: the Marital Bonds Scale compiled by Szociński and the Time Structuralization Scale. On the basis of the results obtained in the studies using the Marital Bonds Scale two groups were separated with subjects having strong and weak bonds. Data obtained by the Time Structuralization Scale made it possible to define the level designed for particular forms of time structuralization: withdrawing, rituals, entertainment, activities, intimacy. Empirical data have shown that the greatest differences appeared in the subjects in the following forms of time structuralization: activity, entertainment, and withdrawing. Activity as a form of time structuralization remained on a similar level in both groups. Next, quality and quantity analyses were made of time structuralization in persons with strong and weak bonds with respect to the periods of their being married. Three groups were separated, namely, those whose marriage had lasted 3 years, 10 years, and more than 15 years. Empirical data have shown the dynamics of changes in the scope of particular forms of time structuralization, that was dependent on the time the marriage had lasted.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland więzi małżeńskiejformy strukturalizacji czasustaż małżeńskiwięź małżeńskastrukturalizacja czasumałżeństwointerpretacjaanaliza transakcyjnanauki o rodzinieczaskształtowanie się więzi małżeńskiejsense of marital bondsforms of time structuralizationperiod of being marriedmarital bondstructuralization of timemarriageinterpretationtransactional analysisfamily studiestimeformation of marital bondZnaczenie strukturalizacji czasu w kształtowaniu się więzi małżeńskiej (interpretacja w świetle analizy transakcyjnej)The Significance of Time Structuralization in Forming the Marital Bonds (Interpretation in Light of Transactional Analysis)Article