Rusecki, Marian2023-12-182023-12-181988Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1988, T. 35, z. 2, s. 65-82.0035-7723łumaczenie streszczenia Jan Kłos.In the theological-fundamental literature the opinion that in the Middle Ages there was known only the Thomistic conception of a miracle and proving by way of it, has long been advocated. As it has been proved in the present treatise such a view is false. This conception gained greater applause since the end of the 15th century. In the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries there were decisively more advocates of St Augustine's thought which thought was creatively developed by many authors (Anselm, Richard of St Victor, Hugo of St Victor, Alexander Hales, William of Auvergne, William of Auxerre, Bonaventura). The Augustianism of the Middle Ages, using peripathetic and other philosophies to a greater extent, had many types: Bonaventurianism, neo-Platonic, nominalistic, rationalistic, realistic, and traditional which had repercussions in the understanding of a miracle and its molivative function in authors whose standpoints have been discussed here: Henry of Gent (†1293), John Duns Scotus (†1308), Gvidon Terreni (†1342) and Giovanni Baconthorp (†1348). The standpoints of those authors show some common characteristics: opposition to an apodictic understanding of proving by way of a miracle, the defence of freedom and rewards of faith (Baconthorp slightly differed in this point), joining the argument by way of a miracle with the person of Jesus who is a main basis of faith and other arguments; considering the motivative function of a miracle in the history-salvatory perspective, paying greater attention to the theological understanding of the function of a miracle, creative and original development of the thought of the bishop of Hippon. A lot of this kind of justifying by way of a miracle would be disclosed by fundamental theology in our age.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandódevidencedowodzenie z cuducommand from a miraclecudamiraclesHenryk z GandawyJan Duns SzkotGwido TerreniGiovanni BaconthorpśredniowieczeMiddle AgesscholastykascholasticismfilozofiateologiaphilosophytheologyaugustianizmaugustynizmAugustinianismdruga szkoła augustyńskasecond Augustinian schoolProblem dowodzenia z cudu w "drugiej szkole augustyńskiej"Article