Chuchra, MariaŚpila, Bożena2023-06-122023-06-122010Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie, 2010, T. 2(57), s. 81-94. tabele.This study seeks to answer the following questions: what are the traits of a family system that are combined with the self-image that alcoholics’ children have, or whether sex is a differentiating variable. The main hypothesis assumes that there is a relationship between the functioning of a family and DDA students. 32 students (13 women and 17 men) have been examined, all of them participants of psychotherapy by means of D. Beckmann’s and H.E. Richter’s Giessen Test (GT) and Z. Gasia’s Family Profile (Pol. PR). The findings have shown the following: the more adaptive is a family system, the more mutual understanding and sense of functionality there is and the greater is the sense of social resonant in students. The more cohesive is the family, the more emotional openness and stability there are in men. The greater is family adaptation, the greater are the sense of social resonant and social opportunities in men. The greater is the mutual understanding and sense of family functionality, the greater is the sense of social resonant in men. The greater is the disorganisation of the family, the lesser is the sense of social resonant and social opportunities in men. In the case of women no correlation between the functioning of the family and selfimage was found.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland społecznyalkoholizmdorosłe dzieci alkoholikówsocjalizacjazachowania patologicznepatologizacja społeczeństwarodzina dysfunkcyjnachoroba alkoholowabadaniapsychotherapyfamilysocial resonancealcoholismadult children of alcoholicssocialisationpathological behaviourpathologisation of societydysfunctional familyresearchalcoholalkoholużywkidrugspsychologiapsychologysocjologiasociologyFunkcjonowanie systemu rodzinnego a obraz siebie u studentów – dorosłych dzieci alkoholików (DDA)The Functioning of the Family System and Students’ Self-ImageArticle