Zając, Marian2023-06-262023-06-262009Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2009, T. 1 (56), s. 79-89.2081-1829 translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.A great deal of aid in defining the role of an adult in a pluralist society may come nowadays from the field of religious education comprised within the catechesis of adults. In its assumptions it emphasizes the fact that the ultimate aim of a man’s activity is not only the physical and material promotion of the person, but giving the Christian testimony as well. It also reminds about the necessity to be engaged in educational activities aiming at creating the attitudes of a devoted service to another man in an ecclesiastical community. The catechesis of adults is a challenge and a binding index in education of adults, which first of all touches the conscience. Faithfulness to it is a test of humanity and its internal truth. At the same time it is an attempt to give a meaning to religious education of adults.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandśliedukacja religijnaedukacja religijna dorosłychwspólnotacatechesisteachingeducationadultsreligious educationreligious education of adultscommunityWspólnotowe priorytety w dziedzinie edukacji religijnej dorosłychThe Community Priorities in the Field of Religious Education of AdultsArticle