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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The ecclesiology of the Primate of the Millennium is grounded on three elements and is most fully shown in its historical-salvific, Trinitarian, and praxeological aspects. It is no dogmatic treatise, but a bold attempt to combine theory and practice. The Church has been called a “God’s structure” (Eph 2, 19:22; 4, 11:16), something that grows from the bosom of the Holy Trinity in the form of God’s ecclesial economy that is being carried into effect in the world. Though it comes from God Himself, this ecclesiology is understood as “supernatural”, and yet by all means it is a “practical ecclesiology” The Church being a beginning of the Kingdom of God on earth carries out the salvific mission of God, therefore it is brought into effect in the tension between the universal salvific will of God and the human response. It is the Church’s self-realization through Christian anthropogenesis, i.e. the process of man’s development towards personal and moral completion, in his individual and social dimension. Thus the Church is a work of God through which God gives Himself to man, making him a temple of the Holy Spirit.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

Kościół, eklezjologia historiozbawcza, eklezjologia trynitarna, eklezjologia prakseologiczna, antropocentryzm, pneumatocentryzm, Boże budowanie, Stefan Wyszyński, prymasi, prymas Polski, trynitaryzm, historia zbawienia, zbawienie, eklezjologia, teologia, prakseologia, Trójca Święta, Church, historic-salvation ecclesiology, Trinitarian ecclesiology, praxeological ecclesiology, anthropocentrism, pneumatocentrism, God’s structure, Primates, Primate of Poland, Trinitarianism, history of salvation, salvation, ecclesiology, theology, praxeology, Holy Trinity, ecclesiology seen in terms of salvation history, eklezjologia widziana w kategoriach historii zbawienia


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 2, s. 5-29.


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