Kryzys duchowy we współczesnym świecie wyzwaniem dla Akcji Katolickiej w Polsce. Na kanwie nauczania Jana Pawła II




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


The Catholic Action should lead the dialogue with the present world and man. One can speak about dialogue competence, integration and apostolic. The competence dialogue means the acquaintance of the competence which are entitle to people organized into units in the structures of the Catholic Action. However the ability of the co-operation means the integration dialogue within of the association and beyond him with all subjects of the religious and social life. Meanwhile the apostolic dialogue forces the members of the Catholic Action to search and undertaking the new forms of the working in the range of the evangelization. These areas do not exhaust all planes of the commitment of the association. The most important areas are this, however, the connected with the problems which from in the considerable measure the future of the Church will depend not only in our country but also the future of the Catholic Action itself. Formation of the attitudes of joint responsibility can not exclusively limit oneself to the members of the association, the work has on this filed the general range, because the preparation of individuals and societies to the party of joint responsibility for the other man and furnishing the world is the key task.


Słowa kluczowe

Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, kapłani, duchowieństwo, nauczanie, kryzys, kryzys duchowy, współczesność, świat, Akcja Katolicka, Polska, wyzwania, sekularyzm, moralność, życie religijne, religijność, formacja, życie rodzinne, życie społeczne, życie polityczne, życie gospodarcze, kultura, kultura masowa, John Paul II, popes, priesthood, clergy, teaching, crisis, spiritual crisis, present, world, Catholic Action, Poland, challenges, secularism, morality, religious life, religiousness, formation, family life, social life, political life, economic life, culture, mass culture


Analecta Cracoviensia, 2006-2007, t. 38-39, s. 163-176.


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