„Do grobu św. Stanisława”. Pierwsza wizyta apostolska Jana Pawła II w Polsce (1979)
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie
The 900-th anniversary of the death of St. Stanislaus was the direct reason of the first visit of the Holy Father John Paul II in Poland. Card. Karol Wojtyła had been preparing the Archidiocese of Kraków for this anniversary by initiating the Diocesan pastoral Synod. Card. Wojtyła asked Pope Paul VI to lead the Synod and, shortly after his death, Card. Wojtyła approached Pope John Paul I with this request. Yet before the commencement of the conclave, Card. Wojtyła asked several cardinals and bishops to preside at various liturgical celebrations commemorating the anniversary. The anniversary was scheduled to take place in the middle of May of 1979. After his election as the successor of St. Peter, Card. Wojtyła – Pope John Paul II, decided to associate his pilgrimage to Poland with the person of St. Stanislaus. He adverted to St. Stanislaus at each stage of his journey to the saint’s tomb in Kraków. At that time the Pope announced that the liturgical commemoration of St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr is obligatory. Thus, St. Stanislaus is the only Polish saint whose liturgical commemoration bears the status of memoria obligatoria.
Słowa kluczowe
Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, kapłani, duchowieństwo, wizyta apostolska, Stanisław ze Szczepanowa, święci, kult świętych, rocznice, jubileusz, męczennicy, biskupi, Kraków, John Paul II, popes, priesthood, clergy, apostolic visit, Stanislaus of Szczepanów, saints, cult of saints, anniversaries, jubilee, martyrs, bishops, Cracow, kult, cult, męczeństwo, martyrdom
Analecta Cracoviensia, 2006-2007, t. 38-39, s. 569-583.
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