Wokół ojcostwa Boga i ludzi




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


In contemporary world many people question the very notion of father. This undoubtedly has an influence on theological understanding of God’s fatherhood. Questioning it is also connected with questioning the notion of authority in general, that is both in the family, society and in the Church. This is why Christianity must remind itself the truth concerning God’s fatherhood, as – although it has never been called into question – it is not always fully understood. Hence, in a sense, it finds itself on the margin of e.g. Christology or pneumatology. However, it is not just a negative neglect of this truth; but it is rather opening oneself to temporary theological tendencies or trends. The truth of God’s fatherhood is one of the essential elements of the whole Christian theology. Being conscious of the reference to God the Father always releases a dynamic realism of the correct understanding of all the history of salvation, both in the dimension of the Father Himself, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is especially the understanding of sending the Son – in the fullness of time – and the salutary fruitfulness of eschatological times, especially assigned to the Church as God’s People of the New Covenant going on a pilgrimage. The truth about God the Father allows a profound discovery of the truth of the ThreePerson God, both in the fatherhood and at the same time motherhood that He offers. His love to people, and in people – love of the whole world, is fertile and open with manifold gifts towards dignity and every man’s fullness of development. This perspective has acquired a special realism in the gift of the incarnated Son. The lasting historical time that every man participates in, is offered in a fatherly gift towards the fullness of faith, hope and love. It is the hope of understanding the perspective of the truth about the Father who is in heaven, through whom Jesus of Nazareth was sent and to whom He returned having completed the paschal works of salvation. The Gospels are the most perfect transmission of the truth about God the Father, especially in the context of Jesus and his followers. However, two ways of showing the reality of God the Father can be seen in them. One of them is found in the pronouncements by Christ Himself, and the other one in the parables in which He shows the differences in understanding God.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

Bóg Ojciec, Jezus Chrystus, synostwo Boże, ojcostwo, macierzyństwo, ludzie, teologia, synostwo, Bóg, God the Father, Jesus Christ, God’s sonship, fatherhood, motherhood, people, theology, sonship, God


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 3, s. 35-64.


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