Działalność pastoralna oraz edukacyjno-kulturalna jezuitów na Lubelszczyźnie w epoce przedrozbiorowej




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


With the use of the recently published Encyklopedia wiedzy o jezuitach na ziemiach Polski i Litwy 1564-1995 (L. Grzebień /ed./, Cracow 1996) and of the relevant subject literature, the author presents the Jesuits’ pastoral and educational-cultural work in the historical Lublin region, from the moment they settled there to the dissolution of the Order in 1773. He divided the issue into the following paragraphs: the beginning of the Jesuits’ work in the Lublin region, their pastoral work and their educational-cultural work. The author states that even after the dissolution of the Order in 1773, Jesuits were still connected with the Lublin region. As an example he quotes their work in the schools run by the Commission for National Education, and a personal example was ex-Jesuit priest, Rev. Grzegorz Piramowicz, who for nearly 25 years (from 1775) held the office of parish priest in Kurów and Końskowola, parishes situated in the Lublin region, where all the time he educated peasant children.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

historia, historia Kościoła, Kościół, działalność pastoralna, działalność edukacyjna, działalność kulturalna, Lubelszczyzna, jezuici, XVI w., XVII w., XVIII w., zakony, działalność duszpasterska, Rzeczpospolita przedrozbiorowa, history, Church history, Church, pastoral activities, educational activities, cultural activities, Lublin region, Jesuits, orders, Polish Republic before the partitions


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2004, T. 51, z. 4, s. 111-127.


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