W połowie drogi. Dekret o katolickich Kościołach wschodnich „Orientalium Ecclesiarum” w 40 lat od Vaticanum II




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The decree Orientalium Ecclesiarum is thought to be one of the most problematic documents issued by Vaticanum II Council. Doubtless, it is indeed very difficult one. Namely, as in a mirror, it reflects the reality of the negative appearances of the union-Church past and, as in a lens, it concentrates on the problems of ecumenical future of Christianity. Even after forty years, and taken in frameworks of ecumenical experiences, it is still quite scheming document. Appearing still reproaches both, in relation to the Council and decree provoke many questions, their verifications and searching the origins of the misunderstanding. However, an ally in the process of reconciliation seems to be the time itself. It presents the specific evolution of the critical questions in regard to the problems evoked by the decree. In this context we all have to deal with the following questions: is it in the ecumenical matter a prove of a stop of the Church in so called half way? Is it indeed equally harmful both to Ortodox and Catholic Churches, just like to the eastern Catholics? What is the status quo of the Catholics belonging to the eastern Churches? All these questions imply a large diversity of numerous condictions, enabling to detect the problem in three aspects. Firstly, from the Ortodox point of view, based on deep critic and negative experiences of the Catholic-Orthodox dialog, it expresses the limitations coming from the tendencies to restrict the whole problematic to its religious plots only. Such indicated here idea of straightening ways shows the direction of restoration of the Hellenic Church model. More profound detection of the problem in the light of the critical positions to the Council indicates another perspective, according to which a theological category of ecumenism is not fully adequate to the original Council’s vision and accepted later in the way of the common dialog of the particular Churches. Introduced by the Council change of the paradigm from ecclesiocentrism to christocentrism clearly places the category of a dialog in a sphere of Christian references. Modern evolution of mentioned earlier paradigm creates a new perspective of the bilateral relationships within Christian world according to the divine ecumeny. In this light it is possible to say about straightening of ecumenical ways and unquestionable position of catholic eastern Churches.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Robert Orzechowski.

Słowa kluczowe

katolickie Kościoły wschodnie, dialog, teologia, teologia ekumeniczna, katolicyzm, prawosławie, Kościoły wschodnie, dialog katolicko-prawosławny, dialog teologiczny, ekumenizm, sobór, sobór watykański II, dialogue, theology, ecumenical theology, Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Eastern Churches, Catholic-Orthodox dialogue, theological dialogue, ecumenism, council, Second Vatican Council, Vatican II, Orientalium Ecclesiarum, Dekret o katolickich Kościołach wschodnich, dokumenty ekumeniczne, ecumenical documents, Eastern Catholic Churches


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2004, T. 51, z. 7, s. 155-173.


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