Głoszenie kerygmatu o zesłaniu Ducha Świętego (Dz 2, 1-11) w polskim przepowiadaniu posoborowym




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The pericope Acts 2, 1-11, that in the Holy Mass Lectionary is the second reading on the Sunday of the Descent of the Holy Ghost is an ample source for cognition of the Holy Ghost. The kerigma about the descent of the Ghost should then find its reflection in the homily preaching. In the content of the analyzed homilies many elements can be found that prove their accordance with Luke’s pneumatology. This is testified by the presence of such subjects as: the Holy Ghost as the New Law inscribed in man’s heart; the descent of the Ghost as the beginning of the era of the New Covenant; the Holy Ghost leads the Church in the work of evangelization, it introduces Jesus’ work of redemption into the world, it gives Christians the understanding of Christ’s paschal mystery, it is a source of unity of Christians. In the contents of the Polish post-Council preaching omitting can be noticed of many motifs from Luke’s message. For example, little is said about the connection between the descent of the Ghost and prayer, about the special relation between Jesus and the Ghost, about the personal nature of the Holy Ghost, about the gifts of prophecy and glossolalia. In the analyzed homilies the fact is also no ticed that the contents are not considered that follow from the pericope Acts 2, 1-11. Hence it is necessary to consider the omitted elements of Luke’s kerigma about the descent of the Ghost, so that preaching would lead to faith and cognition of the Holy Ghost.


Tłumaczenie / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

Dz 2, 1-11, Dz 2, Duch Święty, przepowiadanie homilijne, przepowiadanie, Dzieje Apostolskie, przepowiadanie posoborowe, zesłanie Ducha Świętego, Pięćdziesiątnica, kerygmat, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, polskie przepowiadanie posoborowe, Holy Spirit, Acts 2, 1-11, homiletical preaching, preaching, Acts of the Apostles, post-conciliar preaching, Pentecost, kerygma, Bible, New Testament, Polish post-conciliar preaching


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2004, T. 51, z. 8, s. 167-187.


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