Uroczystość Najdroższej Krwi Chrystusa. Szkic historyczno-liturgiczny




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The article is an attempt at reconstructing the history of establishing the feast of the Most Precious Blood of Christ that happened on IO August 1849. The feast was celebrated in the Catholic Church until the moment the new post-Council liturgical calendar was published in 1969. The reasons have been quoted for removing it from the calendar that was binding at that time, at the same time confirming the cult of Christ’s Blood in the celebration of Corpus Christi. The list of events and Statements by a variety of theologians quoted in the article help understand the effort of the Church, which celebrating Eucharist during the liturgical year includes into it and emphasizes particular “ideas” of the celebrations and feasts connected with the Lord.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

kult, teologia, liturgia, liturgika, Krew Chrystusa, kult Krwi Chrystusa, kult Krwi Chrystusa w liturgii, Uroczystość Najdroższej Krwi Chrystusa, historia, historia Uroczystości Najdroższej Krwi Chrystusa, uroczystości Pańskie, święta Pańskie, uroczystości Pańskie w kalendarzu liturgicznym, święta Pańskie w kalendarzu liturgicznym, kalendarz liturgiczny, reforma kalendarza liturgicznego, cult, theology, liturgy, liturgics, Blood of Christ, cult of Blood of Christ, cult of Blood of Christ in liturgy, Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Christ, history, feast of the Lord, Lord's festivals, feasts of the Lord in the liturgical calendar, Lord's festivals in the liturgical calendar, liturgical calendar, reform of liturgical calendar, history of the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Christ


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2005, T. 52, z. 8, s. 363-373.


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