Wybrane aspekty cudzołóstwa jako formy niewierności małżeńskiej w ujęciu Prz 10,1‒30, 33




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Przemyskiej


Marriage and family are basie communities for a proper development of human being. In front of many present bad behaviours, especially leading to a marital infidelity and adultery, it appears a need to analyze of this situation, its reasons and possibility of a proper solution that. As a help at this, it could be research, at the Book of Proverb, which is a part of the Old Testament. According to some very accurate analysis based on some sapiential proverbs from this book, it is possible to show some aspects of this subject. First of all, the most basie danger of marital fidelity is absence of shame. It means a shortage of modesty. Another aspect of marital adultery is damaging of social order, because a marriage is an elementary community standing as a fundament of every society. The last aspect of adultery is a fact its morał depravation of each human being, who does it. These rules presented at the Book of Proverbs seemed to be very precious directions at present times to avoid wrong behaviour, that might lead to a marital infidelity.


Słowa kluczowe

cudzołóstwo, Księga Przysłów, Stary Testament, Biblia, Pismo Święte, niewierność małżeńska, Prz 10, wspólnota, małżeństwo, rodzina, grzech, cierpienie, człowiek, choroba, Bóg, społeczeństwo, prostytucja, etyka, moralność, adultery, Book of Proverbs, Old Testament, Bible, community, marriage, family, sin, suffering, human, disease, God, society, prostitution, demoralizacja, demoralisation, ethics, morality, infidelity


Premislia Christiana, 2003, T. 10, s. 257-274.


Attribution 3.0 Poland