Przejawy demoralizacji i czynów karalnych u wychowanków placówek opiekuńczo-wychowawczych




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The article is of a theoretical-empirical character. In the theoretical part the concept of a juvenile person is explained with respect to the following criteria: demoralization, committing penal acts and use of educational and corrective measures. Also the phenomenon of “social orphanhood” is characterized. Also, attention is drawn to the Symptoms of demoralization and to penal acts committed by tutelary-educational institutions wards. In the empirical part the results of our own research concerning the manifestation of demoralization and of penal acts committed by people staying at a children’s home are presented. Studies were conducted in two groups: 30 tutelary-educational institutions wards (the experimental group) and 30 children brought up in families (the control group) were studied. Occurrence of Symptoms of demoralization and of penal acts was measured by means of I. Niewiadomska’s Questionnaire for Studying Socialization Disturbances in Youths. The obtained results allowed to state that indeed in tutelary-educational institutions wards both Symptoms of demoralization, like playing truant, escapes from home, use of alcohol, destroying objects, fights, use of violence against others and such penal acts as theft or arson occur more frequently.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

młodzież, czyny karalne, demoralizacja, nieletni, nieletni przestępcy, sieroctwo społeczne, socjalizacja, wychowankowie placówek opiekuńczo-wychowawczych, zaburzenia socjalizacyjne, youth, penal acts, demoralization, juveniles, juvenile persons, social orphanhood, juvenile delinquents, socialization, tutelary-educational institutions wards, pupils of foster care institutions, socialization disturbances, minors, socialization disorders


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2005, T. 52, z. 10, s. 183-197.


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