Opcja preferencyjna na rzecz ubogich w dobie globalizacji




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


One may notice in the contemporary world an ever increasing problem of poverty. Despite expectations related with the development of civilisation, the number of people living in misery is growing. The disproportion between wealth and poverty is not only between the developed North and the developing South, but also inside societies, both the developed and the developing ones. Thus one says about various worlds within one world: the First World, the Second World, the Third World, and at times the Fourth World. The expression “Fourth World” is used to denote great and utter poverty in the rich or very rich countries. There are many causes of the growing poverty in the world. One finds it in the demographic, political, and economic phenomena. Undoubtedly, the increase of poverty is affected also by rapid structural changes, especially the structure of international relations within globalisation. It has an ambivalent character: it may be a good for man and society, but it may also turn out a harmful phenomenon of serious consequences. Globalisation must serve the person, must serve solidarity and the common good, for otherwise it will cause a new kind of economic imbalance, and injustice will prolong and increase. The Church’s response to the problem of poverty is the preferential option on behalf of the poor. It grows from the centuries-old Tradition, yet is not only a common continuation of the Church’s concern about the poor. Its specific character is that it responds to the problem of poverty in the new social circumstances and is based on the biblical data and the social teaching of the Church. The preferential option is not limited to a temporary aid for the poor, but is an activity meant to make the poor subjects. The option on behalf of the poor is an indispensable part of the evangelisation mission because it seeks to preach Christ the Saviour, turning attention to the close relation betw een preaching the Gospel and human liberation. Without Christ it is im possible to create the civilisation of love on solid grounds.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

ekonomia, społeczeństwo, prawa człowieka, ubóstwo, opcja na rzecz ubogich, opcja preferencyjna na rzecz ubogich, globalizacja, ubodzy, economics, society, human rights, poverty, option for the poor, preferential option on behalf of the poor, preferential option for the poor, globalization, poverty-stricken


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2006, T. 53, z. 3, s. 105-121.


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