Ekumeniczne ujęcie katechezy




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The author wanted to avoid confining the problems of ecumenism to reconciliation between members of a discordant family. That is why he took as a starting point contradictory, as it would seem, moments of life or experiences of the young people. Firstly, unremitting wars resulting from class, ratial, national or, finally, religious divisions. Secondly, a constant threat to human race along with the tendency towards unity. And it is against this background that the Church of Christ is shown as the sacrament of unity and reconciliation of the whole mankind with God and with each other. The schism of Churches and religions then emerges as being in definite contradiction to the mission of the Christ Church. Mutual understanding, then, and conscious acceptance of participation in the mission of the Church, i.e. sense of ecclesial-social responsibility, becomes one of the bases of forming the spirit of ecumenism. Out of the above questions the author distinguished the awareness of baptism, the Eucharistic awareness and the awareness of Christian conversion. Assuming a totally individual and private character of the mentioned sacraments, the author attempted to show their ecclesial-creative character and their relation to the problem of schisms in the life of the Christ Church. Catechesis, both prepared and attendant on the performance of those sacraments may lead to the formation of ecclesial-social responsibility, and in consequence, to openness to the problem of ecumenism, to the forming of the spirit of ecumenism, which in turn leads to getting to know each other, to dialoque and cooperation.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

katechetyka, catechetics, teologia, theology, katecheza, catechesis, ekumenizm, ecumenism, ruch ekumeniczny, ecumenical movement, Kościół, Church, misja Kościoła, mission of the Church, misja, mission


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1989, T. 36, z. 6, s. 103-115.


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