Katecheza w służbie ewangelizacji




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The author brings up the problem of the extent to which the contemporary catechesis participates in the process of evangelization to which the Holy Father John Paul II constantly incites us. The conception of evangelization embraces the first proclamation of the Gospel (DCG 17), but also the whole rich and complicated activity of the Church through which all people are taking part in the work of redemption (EN 17, 18, 24). Catechesis while being one form of the ministration of the Word tends to that that "faith illuminated by way of learning could become vivid, clear and active" (DCG 17). It is through catechesis that we go on to maturity in faith (CT). There is a substantial relation between these two realities. Catechesis does not identify itself with evangelization, nor is in total contradiction to it, but they are in ternally linked and complementary to one another (CT 18). The uniting link for both realities is the Only Teacher Jesus Christ (CT); the common aim is transformation and renewal of mankind (EN 18; CT 23) and it is going on in the fellowship of the Church and is expressed by such external signs as Christian testimony and apostolic spirit. Then the author asks about the function of catechesis in the process of evangelization. The author regards the following values of Polish catechesis as being essential: regularity, a sense of law and duty, integrity of the transmission of redemption and a relation with the Christian tradition of national culture. On the other hand, there are things which are not conducive to evangelization, e.g. the overgrowth of the conveying form in Polish catechesis as well as disregarding, on the part of catechists, the questions and problems of children and the youth, anonymity and lack of the experience of living in a fellowship.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

katechetyka, catechetics, teologia, theology, katecheza, catechesis, ewangelizacja, evangelization, Jezus Chrystus, Jesus Christ, nauczyciele, teachers, ludzkość, humanity, przemiana, transformation, odnowa, renewal, wspólnota, community


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1989, T. 36, z. 6, s. 129-146.


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