Kryzys społeczno-gospodarczy kryzysem człowieka




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


The present crisis in economy and culture is deeply rooted in the crisis of man himself. The man is menaced in his existence by the degradation of the environment (earth, water, air), and by the ozone hole. Certainly one result will be an increase in cataracts and skin cancer. The man is also menaced in his personal life by the system of the lie, organized pornography and by the foundation of the system for the cooperative realization of the evil. The counteract is possible by the deep study of the man and by the recognition of personal structure of the human being. The next step is to build ”the civilization of love”, proposed by Paul VI and John Paul II. The principles of that civilization are: priority of the person before the thing, ethics before technology, ”to be” before ”to have” and the mercy before the justice.


Słowa kluczowe

kryzys, crisis, społeczeństwo, society, gospodarka, economy, kryzys społeczno-gospodarczy, socio-economic crisis, człowiek, human, kryzys człowieka, human crisis, dangers, threats, zagrożenia środowiskowe, zagrożenia psychiczne, environmental threats, psychological threats, cywilizacja, civilization, cywilizacja miłości, civilization of love


Roczniki Filozoficzne, 1991-1992, T. 39-40, z. 2, s. 39-51.


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