Rodzina w sieci internetowej. Szanse, wyzwania, zagrożenia




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


Family is a basic social group in which a human being lives and functions. As any other group existing in society, family is susceptible to the influence of media including the Internet. In the era of widespread informatisation of society, one can often observe an increase of family life’s co-existence in the virtual reality. Family cannot stay indifferent towards the constantly developing Internet or virtual space created by it. The family existing and functioning in the World Wide Web receives significant opportunities resulting from staying in that reality. However, there are also numerous threats constituting hazards and serious difficulties in the functioning of the family in that net. Together with the opportunities and the threats, there are certain challenges to family is able to exist and function on purely family-oriented values such as love, honesty and trust.


Słowa kluczowe

rodzina, internet, szanse, możliwości, wyzwania, zagrożenia, społeczeństwo, człowiek, potrzeby, potrzeba bezpieczeństwa, komunikacja, komunikacja w sieci, cyberprzemoc, family, chances, possibilities, challenges, risks, society, human, needs, need for safety, communication, online communication, cyberbullying, bezpieczeństwo, safety


Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie, 2011, T. 3(58), s. 229-244.


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