Moralne aspekty postępu nauk biomedycznych: dylematy stare czy nowe?




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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


The essence of the dilemmas of the development of biomedical sciences lies in the problem of human freedom. The question is whether the genetic research, going ever deeper into the human genom, should be stopped or should be prolongated in the name of freedom of science. The scientific development creates not only threats but also new opportunities of curing diseases so far incurable. So we ought not to regard the scientific development as wrongful in itself. The good of the person however should be always its end and final criteria.


Słowa kluczowe

wolność, freedom, genetyka, genetics, wolność nauki, freedom of science, nauki biomedyczne, biomedical sciences, postęp, progress, filozofia, moralność, etyka, philosophy, morality, ethics, bioetyka genetyczna, genetic bioethics, bioetyka, bioethics, inżynieria genetyczna, genetic engineering, determinizm, determinism, woluntaryzm, voluntarism, dylemat moralny, moral dilemma, etyka medyczna, medical ethics


Roczniki Filozoficzne, 1999, T. 47, z. 2, s. 55-67.


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