Znaczenie katechetyczne małych grup parafialnych
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Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
The parish community is an important and indispensable catechetic milieu. It has to look for various forms of catechesis, dependent on the needs of the milieu. At present small groups existing in parishes are especially significant. The work of small groups is based on friendship, mutual trust, close relations with another man and exchanging experiences in the community. Parish groups influence an individual’s personal and social development, they effect formation of mature faith, help their members to open to Christ present in God’s Word and in liturgy, and they consolidate the sense of belonging to the Church. Particular parish groups have their own specific features and they are focused on cultivating definite values. The variety of religious groups also creates certain dangers, such as: isolationism, sentimentalism, rivalry between individual groups, individualization of religious life and escape from the obligations of life.
Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.
Słowa kluczowe
parafie, grupa, grupy parafialne, wspólnota, odnowa, odpowiedzialność, liturgia, Słowo Boże, wiara, katecheza, rozwój, poczucie przynależności, teologia, teologia pastoralna, parishes, group, parish groups, community, renewal, revival, responsibility, liturgy, Word of God, faith, catechesis, development, sense of belonging, theology, pastoral theology
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2008, T. 55, z. 6, s. 195-205.
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