Księgozbiór parafii w Czyżowie w świetle wizytacji generalnej z 1748 roku




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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


In the article the 18th century library of the Czyżów parish is presented. The information about the library is taken from the protocol of the general inspection carried out in 1748. Analysis of the list of books that is a part of the inspection protocol entitles us to define the Czyżów library as a typically pastoral one, with a predominance of books useful in preaching God’s Word. Starting with the source, that is the Bible, through the works by Gregory the Great, concordance and Golden Legend to homiletic books by such outstanding preachers as Maciej Faber, Piotr Skarga, Ambroży Nieszporkiewicz, or Szymon Starowolski, and ending with Marchant’s pastoral handbook, used not only in the confessional service, but also in other kinds of parish work. Hence, it was a small collection with only ten books, but a typically practical one, concentrating as if „in one pill” the contents that were to help priests of those times in the broadly understood cura animarum.


Słowa kluczowe

księgozbiór, księgozbiór parafialny, parafie, historia, XVIII w., archiwa, biblioteki, biblioteki kościelne, Czyżów, kaznodziejstwo, kultura duchowieństwa staropolskiego, Kościół, historia Kościoła, diecezja sandomierska, diecezje, kościoły, źródła historyczne, book collection, parish book collection, parishes, history, archives, libraries, church libraries, preaching, culture of the old-Polish clergy, Church, Church history, dioceses, churches, historical sources, duchowieństwo staropolskie, old Polish clergy


Roczniki Historii Kościoła, 2011, T. 3(58), s. 89-99.


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