Udział wiernych we Mszy świętej według encykliki „Mediator Dei”




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


At the beginning of the third millennium the Church, concerned about liturgy that constantly consolidates its faith, hope and love, goes back to Pius XII’s teachings that are contained in his encyclical Mediator Dei (20 November 1947) and are still topical and significant. This concerns also the issue of participation of the faithful in the Holy Mass that is presented by the author of the present article. First, he shows, following the teaching of the encyclical, the nature of the Eucharist Offering that was established by Jesus Christ, the High Priest, and revived in the Church by His priests because He willed it. The bloody offering made once on the Cross is in a bloodless way repeated in the Holy Offering of the Altar. The Eucharist Offering has today the same, or “identical” goals, as Christ’s Offering of the Cross had, that is giving proper glory to the Father in Heaven, thanksgiving due to God, compensation, begging and request for blessing and grace. Through His death on the Cross Jesus Christ gave the immeasurable treasure of Redemption to His Church. Each man is invited to participate in this redemption. The Offering of the Altar gives all the faithful a share in the good that comes from the Savior’s Cross. The faithful, reborn by the water from the Holy Baptism and included in the universal priesthood, have the “supreme” duty and privilege of participation in the Eucharistic Offering. Christ’s Bloodless Offering, that happens through the prayers and ritual of the Holy Mass, is the work of the priest, as Christ’s substitute. The faithful take part in making the Offering through the priest’s hands and together with the priest; they also should offer themselves to Father in Heaven. In his encyclical Pius XII calls those who give the faithful the Roman Missal in order to facilitate their participation in the Holy Mass and to secure salutary fruit for them “praiseworthy” Mediator Dei also praises all those who after taking the Holy Communion and after the end of the Holy Mass give thanks and remain “some time” in the communion of prayer with the Divine Savior.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

Chrystus Najwyższy Kapłan, Boski Zbawiciel, Boski Odkupiciel, ofiara Krzyża, Boska Ofiara, ofiara Ołtarza, sakrament ołtarza, ofiara Chrystusa, ofiara Kościoła, ofiara mszalna, ofiara eucharystyczna, ofiara niekrwawa, żertwa ofiarna, Boska Hostia, Komunia Święta, Boski Pokarm, Chleb eucharystyczny, kult publiczny, powszechne kapłaństwo wiernych, aktywny udział wiernych, dziękczynienie, Eucharystia, liturgia, liturgika, teologia, sakramenty, Jezus Chrystus, kapłaństwo, ofiara, Mediator Dei, encyklika, dokumenty Kościoła, Christ the High Priest, Divine Savior, Divine Redeemer, Offering of the Cross, Divine Offering, Offering of the Altar, sacrament of the altar, bloodless offering, sacrificial oblation, Divine Host, Holy Communion, Divine Food, Eucharistic bread, public cult, kult, cult, universal priesthood of the faithful, wierni, faithful, active participation of the faithful, thanksgiving, Eucharist, liturgy, liturgics, theology, sacraments, Jesus Christ, priesthood, sacrifice, encyclic, Eucharistic sacrifice, Christ's sacrifice, Church's sacrifice


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2008, T. 55, z. 8, s. 217-236.


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